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Top 3 Flirting Tips For Shy Men

22 JUNE, 2017

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Today I have three of my very best flirting tips for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re confident, doesn’t matter if you’re shy, especially if you are shy you need to learn these; because these are going to be crucial when you are meeting women.
First let me just explain why flirting is so important. Flirting is the subtle mating dance that pretty much every single person has ever done if they’ve ever been with a woman. Any woman and man, who ever gotten together, there was some flirting that was involved. This is the way that you show interest in someone, this is the way that you build attraction, and this is also the way that you get a girl interested in you. I’m going to give you three (3) today. Let’s get into it.

#1: Create an imaginary social bubble around you two

My first tip is when you’re flirting with a girl, what you want to do is create what I call an imaginary bubble. That’s right you’re creating this imaginary bubble between you and the girl and this bubble is encasing both of you and your zoning in on her in such a way where there’s no one else in the room. Obviously, there are other people in the room where we are meeting her, but the whole idea here is that you’re just focusing on her, you’re showing her that you’re focused on her, and that’s going to create this little connection between you and her. This ‘bubble’ is going to act as if no one else is around and that’s what you want. So I called this zoning in. You want to zone in on her and in this way. This is showing interest, but you’re not doing it verbally per say, you’re doing it more non-verbally. So, a great way to do this is just standing right in front of her with just about maybe one and a half, two feet maximum distance, you know, ‘comfortable space’ and making sure you guys are shoulder to shoulder and zoning in and talking to her in this is a great way of flirting. And this does show subtle interest.

#2: Touch her (arm)

The next tip here is about touching. So touching is a really great way to flirt with a girl. This is really easy for guys for a shy too because it’s not too intrusive, it’s not overbearing, it’s not uncomfortable, and it’s not inappropriate by any means. So in order to break the touch barrier, which is very important because that’s showing interest, when you’re touching a girl she will notice. Just like you’re going to notice when a girl might touch you. When I say touch, I mean, like a light touch on the shoulder because you said something funny or stupid or whatever. So what I want you to do is, I want you, someone conversation, to also touch her on lightly. Where on the arm? Just right here right here (the triceps area of the arm). There’s plenty of ‘excuses‘ to do that. Here’s a couple examples, if you want to know what her name is, you can just touch her lightly on the arm, really lightly, “really quickly what was your name again?” Any kind of question, it doesn’t have to be “what was your name again?” or anything like that, just any questions, like, “wait, so you live where again?” Doesn’t matter any question any kind of thought, you can just lightly touch on the arm and again this might seem awkward at first and you might have to practice it but it’s a great way to show interest. At the end of the day human touch feels nice and course if you’re doing it appropriately. So a little light touch on the arm is totally fine and is going to make her feel like, “whoa, this guy’s probably in to me” or “this guy’s showing a little bit more interest because he’s breaking the touch barrier.” Now she’s not thinking that consciously by the way, this is all subconscious. I know it sounds crazy, like one little light touch on the arm is going to make that big of a difference but trust me, it will. Wouldn’t it for you if a girl is doing it? Probably.

#3: Disqualify her

Basically, this means that you’re showing her that you’re not actually interested. Now I know this is kind of funny because we’re just talking about flirting is showing interest, but it’s also a dance, it’s kind of a back and forth, a little push and pull, like you’re showing interest but you’re also not showing interest. But this is a great way to show her that you’re not going to be so easy to get and she’s going to have to chase you a little bit. So, a great way to disqualify her is by showing her disinterest. If she ever says something that you don’t agree with or you don’t like, for example, let’s say that she says that she’s a big Bears fan and you might be a fan of the Seahawks. You could say, “really? You’re a fan of the Bears? Okay, this, this is not going to work out.” Now you’re saying this with a smile on your face, but it’s almost like you’re teasing her. You’re disqualifying her but in a way you’re just joking around. Also, in some ways, even though you’re trying to show disinterest, you’re also showing some interest because it’s obvious that you’re flirting with her.

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